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Minutes of the Second Meeting

University Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia


Date               : 15 APRIL 2014

Time               : 11.00 am

Venue             : Tunku Tun Aminah Library

Present          :  Miss Yung Shin Mun (Leader)

                         Mr Lee Wei Jian (Secretary)

                         Miss Kok Hui Li

                         Mr Ng Wei Shen

                         Mr Tan Tee How


​1.   Opening Address By The Chairman

The leader called the meeting to order at 11.00 am and thanked to the committee members for being able to attend the second meeting. She mentioned that the purpose of this meeting was to discuss the progress and problems faced in completing the task given and decide the type of blog to be used.


2.   Confirmation of minutes

Minutes of the previous meeting held on 1 APRIL 2014 has been proposed by Mr Tan Tee How and seconded by Miss Kok Hui Li.


3.   Matters Arising

The summary or a short note for every topic has been decided to use Microsoft Word 2010 before posting to the blog.


4. Progress and problems faced by each committee member

  • Miss Kok Hui Li has completed the introduction of topic “Analysis of Flow in Pipe” and The Reynolds Number. She asked for permission to use video for the introduction and approved by the leader Miss Yung.

  • Mr Ng Wei Shen has completed the “Friction in Pipe” within the time given. He faced no problems with his task given.

  • Mr Tan Tee How has completed the “Laminar Flow in Pipe” and Turbulent Flow in Pipe” within the time given. He also completed the transitional flow in pipe which related to the sub-topic given.

  • Mr Lee Wei Jian has completed half of the “Pipe Problems”. He left out one of the pipe problems which is the first problem. He was asked to complete in the coming meeting.

  • Miss Yung Shin Mun has completed the “Minor Losses in Pipe” within the time given. She faced no problems with her task.



5.   Type of blog to be use

Mr Tan Tee How suggested using because he has the experience in it. Miss Yung Shin Mun has approved Mr Tan’s suggestion. Mr Tan was asked to in charge the blog by all the members and he agreed.


6.   Other Matters

All the members needed to give the biodata to Mr Tan for the blog using with one photo.


7.   Conclusion

The chairperson summarizes the discussion made in the meeting and thanked the members for attending this meeting. It was decided that the next meeting would be held on 8 MAY 2014(Thursday), at 2.00 pm at Tunku Tun Aminah Library.


Computer generated, no signature required.

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